Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Kodi Punës: 99842

Planning Manager

Durres, Shqipëri 02-04-2025 edhe 20 ditë


kërkon të punësojë:


  • Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Business, Industrial Engineering.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience
  • Strong knowledge of MRP, ERP, and production

Detaje të pozicionit

Kategoria e Punës / Profesioni:
Menaxher Departamenti
Tipi i punës:
Kohë e plote
Mesatare 3 - 10 vite)
Kërkohet foto:
Letër interesi:
Rroga Bruto:
Data e përfundimit
Durres, Shqipëri


The Planning Manager is responsible for coordinating demand planning, production scheduling, and material management to ensure smooth operations and optimal resource utilization. This role works closely with sales, procurement, and production teams to balance demand with capacity while maintaining efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 


1. Demand Planning & Forecasting: 

  • Analyze sales forecasts, historical data, and market trends to develop accurate demand plans.
  • Collaborate with sales and customer service teams to align demand forecasts with business goals.
  • Adjust plans based on market changes, customer orders, and inventory levels. 

2. Production Planning & Capacity Management: 

  • Develop and maintain the Master Production Schedule (MPS) to meet customer demand and optimize resource use. 
  • Conduct Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) to identify constraints and ensure production feasibility. 
  • Work with production teams to balance workloads and improve scheduling efficiency. 

3. Bill of Materials (BOM), Routing, & Purchase Order (PO) Management: 

  • Ensure accuracy of Bill of Materials (BOM) and production routings. 
  • Review and optimize routing processes to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 
  • Track and manage outstanding purchase orders to ensure timely material availability. 

4. Material Requirements Planning (MRP): 

  • Oversee MRP processes to ensure proper material availability for production. 
  • Work with procurement to optimize inventory levels and reduce excess stock. 
  • Identify and mitigate supply chain risks that could impact production schedules. 

5. Production Scheduling & Performance Monitoring: 

  • Develop weekly production schedules based on MPS, demand, and capacity constraints. 
  • Monitor production progress, identify delays, and adjust schedules as needed. 
  • Analyze production reports and key performance metrics to drive process improvements. 



Qualifications & Skills: 

  • Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Business, Industrial Engineering, or a related field. 
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in production planning, supply chain, or manufacturing operations. 
  • Strong knowledge of MRP, ERP, and production planning tools. 
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills with experience in demand forecasting and capacity planning. 
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills for cross-functional coordination. 
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. 
  • Proficiency in MS Excel, data analysis, and reporting tools. 

Preferred Qualifications: 

  • Experience in the manufacturing, packaging, or related industry. 
  • Familiarity with lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement methodologies. 
  • Knowledge of international supply chain processes and vendor management. 


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Vetëm kandidatët e përzgjedhur do kontaktohen për intervistim.

Ju mirëpresim!

coepto sh.p.k
Rruga SH49, Fllakë, Xhafzotaj, Shijak, Durrës,
Web: http://coepto.com

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coepto shpk

With our head office in Cologne and offices in Milan, Paris and New York, subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Shenzen and our own productions in Saigon, Vietnam and soon Durres, Albania our cross-industry business covers small businesses and large corporations likewise. Our portfolio comprises all means of communication such as carrying bags, large picture prints, interior store decorations and marketing materials.

As an owner-managed company, coepto attaches great importance to teamwork and quick ownership of responsibility. Mutual trust and a spirit of partnership are principles by which we express our appreciation, and which are the basis for development perspectives.

We are looking for qualified colleagues with a hands-on mentality who are willing to assume responsibility and who like to be part of a young, open-minded team.